Pre-employment medicals

Tailored physical examination and investigations to ensure staff have no health related impairments that may compromise health and safety.

Commercial Driving Medicals

Full medical checks including vision for fitness to drive commercial vehicles and trucks and completion of DL9 drivers medical certificates.

Fitness for work assessments

Comprehensive health reviews of staff returning to work after ill-health or injury to ensure they are fit to safely return to work.

‌Worker health monitoring

Periodic reviews of staff with chronic health conditions or for staff exposure to potentially health affecting work conditions.

‌Health and mental health absenteeism reviews

Independent assessment of staff presenting unwell at work without known cause or had long or frequent absenteeism without clear cause.

‌Medical retirement assessments

When a patient’s ill-health is significantly impairing their work role medical retirement may need to be considered.

‌Independent medicolegal reports

Auckland Occupational Medicine Ltd are experts in providing independent assessment and reports if required to meet insurance related requirements or for legal reviews.

‌Alcohol and drug assessment and management

With the recent changes to the health and safety act employers are under higher pressure to responsibly manage issues where staff may be under the influence of drugs and alcohol. We can provide drug testing and interpretation as well as counselling to meet both legal requirements and to ensure workplace abstinence.